There's not been a lot of volcano activity recently, so let's check what happened on April 10, 1906.
From the New York Times. (Just the first paragraph, as the rest of the article is inaccessible.)
VOLCANO VICTIMS MAY NUMBER 500; 200 Dead in San Giuseppe District Alone. CHURCHES CRUSH PEOPLE Weight of Ashes on Roofs Destroys Structures. ITALY'S KING IN PERIL His Auto Nearly Overwhelmed by Cinders -- 150,000 Refugees -- Lava Streams Cooling.
NAPLES, April 9. -- Reports of fatalities consequent upon the eruption of Mount Vesuvius are coming in. According to information received late to-night, probably 500 lives were lost. More than 200 perished in the District of San Giuseppe, while from the ruins of a church which collapsed, owing to the weight of ashes on the roof, forty-nine bodies were extricated.
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