Monday, March 14, 2011

As if an earthquake, tsunami and potential nuclear meltdown weren't enough... now disaster-ravaged Japan suffers a volcanic eruption

Daily Mail Online: As if an earthquake, tsunami and potential nuclear meltdown weren't enough... now disaster-ravaged Japan suffers a volcanic eruption
volcano has erupted in Japan, compounding the problems in the disaster-ravaged country.
Following Friday's megaquake and resulting tsunami which took the lives of thousands along the east coast, the Shinmoedake volcano in south-western Japan erupted yesterday, sending ash and rock over two miles into the air.

The explosion shattered windows as far as four miles away, adding to the terror the country has suffered over the past few days.

An area of over a mile around the volcano, located in the Kirishima range on the southern Kyushu island, was evacuated and hundreds fled as roasting hot ash rained down from the mountain.
A volcano warning at level three out of five is currently in place, but that could be increased since it is believed a dome if lava is now forming in the crater.

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